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The Power of Preparation: Listing and Selling a Business in Record Time

When Carol Gresham listed the Art Print Design business, she was excited to assist the seller who was a repeat client. The seller had purchased Art Print Design using CBI Team several years ago. Within just a week of listing the business, a serious buyer emerged. After a very informative buyer- seller meeting, the offer was accepted, and remarkably, the closing occurred within a month. While this is faster than most business sales, there was one key factor that made this transaction move so efficiently: the seller was thoroughly prepared.

From the moment the business was listed, the seller had everything in order. Financial statements, legal documents, and all the relevant paperwork was readily available and meticulously organized. This level of preparation not only sped up the process but also ensured that every stage – from listing to closing – ran smoothly.

Being organized and having all books and records in order is crucial when selling a business. It allows both the buyers and sellers to focus on the opportunity at hand, rather than navigating without all of the essential information.

Not all closings happen this quickly, but sellers who take the time to organize their materials often find that the transaction is far more efficient – and even fun.


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