Three Crucial Concepts in Business
Risk “The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg, founder, Facebook Risk can be seen as the true currency of business today. Work is…
Insider tips on how to buy, sell, or grow your business
Risk “The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg, founder, Facebook Risk can be seen as the true currency of business today. Work is…
[responsivevoice_button] Are you trying to time the sale of your business so that you exit when both your business and the economy are peaking? While your objective to build your…
Before Jeff Bezos & Co. blew up traditional distribution channels, there was some value in being the local guy or gal. Being the local procuct retailer was a good business…
By: Dave Godwin What is your greatest strength as a business owner? Sales? Marketing? Operations? Whatever you do well, know that it might become your Achilles’ heel. As owners, we…
As Lee Corso says, “Not so fast, my friend.” Just because you can’t find it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. ( I’m reminded of the Colecanth, a so-called prehistoric fish which, according…
By: Dave Godwin CBI Executive Business Broker The Swiss are known to value their independence. They don’t use the Euro currency despite being sandwiched between France and Germany, and they…
By: Dave Godwin CBI Senior Intermediary If your goal is to build a more valuable company, stop selling your time. Billing by the hour or day means customers are renting…
By Carl Grimes (CBI Founder) The call came in with good news, good news that was ten years in the making. The call was from Laura Ruether asking what address…
By: Jon Holbert Managing Partner CBI Northwest Arkansas If you took the opportunity to protect your business by obtaining an EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loan) during the Pandemic, you will…
by Dave Godwin Over the last few years, organizations favor acquisitions to either merge ideologies or kill the competition and unite to take on bigger players. The $19 billion Whatsapp…