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Peckin’ Away – Take a deep breath and relax……………………………

Through over 50 years of being active in business, I always wanted to take the month of December off and just enjoy the Christmas season. 

It never took place. 

But now, I’m retired and can say that this month I haven’t hit a lick at a snake until I started writing this column. And writing this column is a labor of love so it doesn’t correlate as work. 

I’ll make this brief and hopefully provoke some thought on your part as a business owner. 

Christmas is a time to reflect on the love of God for His creation. He loved us enough to send Jesus to us.  

Reflection requires time and peace. You can’t reflect when you’re going 90 miles an hour running your business. 

So, my Christmas gift to you is this, I give you permission to take some time off and love on your family and enjoy the season.  

Don’t be a Scrooge. Show and tell your employees how much you appreciate them and the work they did to help your business and, if you can, give them a financial reward and maybe even some time off (with pay) before the end of the year. 

And Merry Christmas to you and yours from the Grimes Clan and the CBI Team.